Guo Lin New Qigong
The book "Guo Lin New Qigong" by Ms. Wang Li contains all the exercises from the basic level and some from the intermediate level.
The individual movement sequences are described in detail in words and pictures and it is explained when which variations should be practiced.
The book is suitable for cancer patients, chronically ill and healthy people.
ISBN 9 783946 935186
Order possible at:
The Yellow Emperor
The oldest written source of Traditional Chinese Medicine - the comprehensive reference work!
The wealth of knowledge in this classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is said to have been compiled by Huangdi, the legendary "Yellow Emperor" (around 2600 BC),
was compiled. It covers all physical, psychological, diagnostic and therapeutic issues in detail,
that are important in connection with maintaining health, illness and healing.
ISBN 978-3-426-87927-6
Further literature
Kerstin Schwabe: Guo Lin-Qigong
in: C. Diegelmann, M. Isermann (Hrsg.), Ressourcenorientierte Psychoonkologie, Stuttgart 2016.
A Review of Qigong Therapy for Cancer Treatment
Kevin Chen and Raphael Yeung, University New Jersey, USA,
in: Journal of International Society of Life Information Science, ISLIS -
Vol 20, 2002.
Melanie Fong: Zur Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin. Qigong zur Behandlung von Krebs, (Magisterarbeit), Kiel 1998.
Huang, NQ Influence of Guo Lin Qigong on the lungfunction microcirculation in cancer patients.
Zhong guo Renti Kexue (Chinese Journal of Somantic Science) 151, 1996
Cai GH, Zang Y, Zhu QH,
The Changes of multiple immune indicators after Guo Lin Qigong practice among cancer patients. Proc. of the 8th Intl Symposium of Qigong. Shanghai, China 2001, 170-172.
Qiang Miao, Meridian is the Channel for the Bio-Wave in Human Body, 133-141. Berlin 2015.
Li Peiwen, Chinesische Medizin in der Onkologie, Urban & Fischer München/ Jena 2007.
Tianjun Liu, Chinese Medical Qigong, Singing Dragon London 2010.
Josephine Zöller, Das Tao der Selbstheilung, Ullstein Sachbuch Frankfurt/ M-Berlin 1987.
Auerbach , Meng , Schunder -Tatzber, Wen, Ernährung bei Krebs nach den 5 Elementen der TCM, Springer – Verlag Wien 2005.
Blutwerte, Für Krebspatienten verständlich erklärt, Börm Bruckmeier Verlag Grünwald 2011/2012.
Dr. med.György Irmey, Heilimpulse bei Krebs, Stuttgart 2007.